If you want to pay your bills online and use e.g. the possibilities of BROU onlinebanking (Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay) you will somtimes reach the limits of what is possible. Not all companies are available in the Multipagos department of BROU online banking. Such as Asociación Española or Porto Seguro insurance. To change that, a relatively young team in 2012 has founded the company "Paganza".
If you have an account at one of the 6 biggest availble banks in Uruguay you can use Paganza. At the moment these banks are available:
Itaú, Discount Bank, BBVA, BROU, Scotiabank and HSBC.
You can pay your bills on the website or with an App, available for Android, Iphone and Windows mobile for more than 650 services and companies. If you miss one company on the list, you can send a request to Paganza and ask them to add the missing company to the list.
Sometimes it is possible that the network settings on Windows7 are in confusion. For example, after a deinstallation of Firewall software that often changes the Winsock settings.
To solve this problem, it will be necessary to reset the network settings. To do that, there is a command line tool called netsh.
Please note! The following steps should only be done by advanced users!
Go to the Start button at the bottom of the left side.
Enter "cmd" in the field "search programs/files"
You will then get a list, similar to the following one:
Nowadays a lot of notebook users handle their notebooks like a desktop computer. This means, mostly the device is located on one place and it is always connected with the power supply. But this is not really good for the lifespan of the battery. The manufacturers of the mostly used lithium ion batteries guarantee about 500-1000 load cycles. These load cycles doesn't only contain charging of drained batteries but also these of only partly discharged ones. For example, the self-discharge with a cut-off power supply causes a discharge and when turning on the notebook again it takes a complete load cycle to charge the battery again.
Li ion laptop battery" by Kristoferb.
Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
A lot of expats want to keep in touch with family and friends in their home country. The most easiest way is the telephone but this is usually not the most economic way. Therefore a lot of them are using Skype for their telephone calls. Beside the basic costs for the internet connection, simple calls or even video calls don't have extra costs.
But what happens when one likes to call somebody without a web compatible device resp. Skype but only a landline?
Skype offers the possibility to order an online telephone number. Provided that the Skype number is already ordered in the home country, this will be a local telephone number in this country. This Skype number can be reached like any other landline in your home country and bear the same costs for the caller.